About Huan

Born and raised in Beijing, China, Ms. Huan Xie attended the University of Arizona where she earned in Bachelor of Science in Finance.

Huan then worked as an exclusive agent for Country Insurance and Financial Services and had earned prestigious awards every year, including District Rookie Agent of YearRegional Employee Agent of Year and Level V Top Life Insurance Agent.

With assistance from Jonathan Moy, Huan launched the Envision Insurance Agency, earning the rising star award from PEMCO Insurance. Currently, she is a member of the NSACE and belongs to Safeco’s H.K. Dent society. This is a prestigious program as only 8% of the agencies nationwide qualify for it.

During her spare time, Huan dances both ballet and Chinese folk. Also, Huan is actively involved in local community events as a skilled Mistress of Ceremonies. In February of 2014, Huan co-hosted with Chinese movie star Hou Yong (候勇), the successful “Culture of China, Festival of Spring” event (国务院侨办的”四海同春”晚会).

Since March of 2014, Huan has hosted the program Family Life for of Chinese Radio Seattle (www.chineseradioseattle.com). This program deals with all aspects, challenges and issues of family life, and has an expanding base of listeners.

四海同春 演播室

Huan and her team speak both Chinese and English fluently, and look forward to assisting you with all your insurance needs to protect your life and most valuable assets. Please call us today (425) 462-6638 for a quote.

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